The 7,700-dwt Onego Mistral (built 2007)was held in New Orleans, Louisiana when a port state control officer (PSCO) noticedoil stains on the starboard side of the vessel’s hull near a ballast tankoverboard discharge port.

“Upon embarkation ofthe vessel, the PSCO was informed that the crew was discharging sludge directlyoverboard using a flexible hose with flanges,” authorities said following the15 August investigation.

Officials alsoindicated there were “clear grounds for believing the master and the crew arenot familiar with essential shipboard procedures relating to the preventing ofpollution by oil” after uncovering “numerous inaccuracies” in the vessel’s oilrecord book (ORB).

According to the USCG’sreport, the ship was owned by Haratio Shipping Co and chartered to OnegoShipping & Chartering at the time of detention. Data from Clarksons andEquasis identifies the manager as Mastermind Shipmanagement of Cyprus.

Cyprus Maritime’s 70,200-dwtPanamax Jade (built 1988) was stopped at the same port a few weeks prior when inspectorsfound “inconsistencies” with the bulkers’s ORB, which prompted questions about authenticityand the crew’s familiarity with oily discharge procedures.

Earlier that month, MarineSale & Trading’s 1,050-dwt containership Queen Sea (built 1978) was heldfor numerous deficiencies in Miami, including at least one related to the oilywater separating system, which was inoperable at the time of inspection.

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