The Bimco VIP industry reception held in Singapore on 16 May was not only a select gathering of the who’s who in Asian shipping, but it was also a send-off for the industry’s long-serving deputy secretary general Soren Larsen, who will shortly be heading back to Europe and a well-deserved retirement.
Larsen joined Bimco in August 1985 after graduating from Copenhagen University and the Institute of Maritime Law.
He was on his feet all evening addressing the crowd and catching up with colleagues and friends. Always with a big smile despite a serious leg injury that he attributed to “an old man playing soccer”.
Bimco president Nikolaus Schues led the many plaudits, thanking Larsen for his 39 years of service to the industry body.
While Larsen’s adventure in Singapore draws to a close, it is just beginning for his successor Stinne Taiger Ivo, who joined Bimco in 2022 and was recently promoted to deputy secretary general.
Before Bimco, she headed the claims department in Copenhagen of marine insurer Skuld, worked at Danish Shipping and as a lawyer at Gorrissen Federspiel’s department for shipping.
Like Larsen, Taiger Ivo is a graduate of the University of Copenhagen.(Copyright)