Peter Evensen has emerged as the next commodore of theConnecticut Maritime Association (CMA).
The Teekay chief executiveis due to receive the award on 20 March of 2013 during a gala dinner ceremony thatwill be held on the third day of the Stamford-based non-profit’s annual expositionand conference at the Hilton hotel.
Observers note it’s not thefirst time the US-quoted tanker titan’s top executive has landed the covetedcap, which is a throwback to the headgear worn by admirals and other highranking mariners during an era when tall ships ruled the seven seas.
C Sean Day was crownedcommodore back in 2005 when he served as Teekay’s chairman before passing thetorch to the likes of Morten Arntzen, John Fredriksen, Wei Jiafu, PhilippeLouis Dreyfus, Angeliki Frangou and outgoing incumbent Oivind Lorentzen.
Evensen took the reins ofTeekay in 2011 but his career with the diversified Canadian group began in 2003after serving tours with JP Morgan Securities, Chase Securities and thepredecessor firms of ChaseManhattan Bank, Chemical Bank and Manufacturers Hanover Trust.
The CMA has been hostingConnecticut trade shows for nearly 30 years. The first commodore award, which recognizesindividuals who have contributed to the growth and developmentof the shipping industry, waspresented to Ole Skaarup in 1990.