HD Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering (HD KSOE) has been given the green light by the Liberian Registry for their new ammonia fuel system to be used for the construction projects of new ammonia-fuelled vessels.
Winning the approval from the Liberian Registry, one of the biggest flag states for ship registry, is a breakthrough for HD KSOE’s new project.
This comes after the shipbuilding giant unveiled its design of an ammonia scrubber for the next generation of ammonia-fuelled vessels. The scrubber is designed to absorb toxic gas while emitting zero carbon. Additionally, the exhaust outlets are strategically positioned away from crew quarters to enhance safety.
Class society Lloyd’s Register has also vouched for the new fuel supply system project, confirming a successful joint development project between the Liberian Registry, Lloyd’s Register and HD KSOE.
As reported previously by TradeWinds, using ammonia as a marine fuel can slash greenhouse gas emissions by up to 61%, according to an independent study commissioned by the Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel.
Ammonia is expected to be one of the new zero-emissions fuels, with several shipowners ambitioning to move straight to ammonia as soon as blue or green supplies become available from 2027 or 2028.(Copyright)