Walking the halls of the vast, rather steamy in parts and tightly packed SMM exhibition in Hamburg last week, a visitor might be forgiven for thinking the event is largely the domain of equipment manufacturers albeit from a pricey dual-fuelled engine to a small widget.

But peer a little deeper and some of the largest names in newbuildings are also present.

New BRS Shipbrokers chief executive and chairman Gilbert Walter wanted to extend his recognition to all those involved in the technical side of the business, hosting a party at the appropriately named Wallter’s Bistro on the city’s waterfront.

Walter and brokers from the international brokerage, which has French roots, welcomed industry representatives from John Fredriksen’s private Seatankers group, SFL Corp, Oldendorff Carriers and Hafnia.

“Directors, superintendents, equipment makers, salesmen, shipyards, without them there are no ships, which means there is no shipping. These people need recognition,” Walter told TradeWinds. “They are the backbone of shipping.”

In welcoming guests, he expressed his pleasure at having so many technical people at the reception engaged in negotiations for newbuildings and equipment. “You are so important for this business,” he told them.

The CEO said BRS’ role as a broker is not simply to work with the commercial people but also to speak to those on the technical side and help them by finding what is available on technology, at what cost and to share information.

“Today, we have a very high and competitive market,” Walter said. “Maybe in a couple of years it will be totally different,” he added, expressing his hope to see them again at the next BRS SMM party.

He signed off by telling his guests: “Have more drinks, eat well and find your way home.”

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