The unit, one of four the South Koreanshipyard is building on behalf of the Nasdaq-listed offshore contractor, is duefor delivery in a January 2015.

The DryShips spin-off, which is based inNicosia, Cyprus, confirmed the order in a statement Monday but failed to shedlight on pricing.

Data from Clarksons, however, suggeststhe vessel may cost the company around $638m given the price tag tied to its three61,300-dwt sisterships, which are scheduled to hit the water in 2013.

When the dust settles the owner will beleft with a fleet of ten drilling rigs. The stable includes eight drillships and apair of floaters.

Shares of Ocean Rig slipped by 0.07% to$15.20 in early trading while its parent, which still controls a majority stakein the offshore offshoot, watched its Times Square quoted stock rise 0.50% to $2.28.