Brighter prospects after orderbook slump?

Shipyards are poised to miss their order targets for 2019, but improved prospects for some areas of shipping are bringing signs of relief.

Martin Stopford: the orderbook oracle?

Looming regulations on greenhouse gas emissions are making it hard to make newbuilding decisions.

We’ve got a perfect storm striking and you have to get your strategy right.

Martin Stopford

Hudong-Zhonghua bets on LNG growth

Chinese shipbuilder aiming to double its orderbook in the gas sector after delivering more than 20 so far. The yard is also aiming for a position in the stainless steel chemical tanker market.

South Korean yards grapple with 'soggy market'

Big three yards see hopes for an improving market fade in 2019, facing reality that targets are unreachable.

Why aren't HHI and DSME merged yet?

Merger of two major South Korean yard groups faces delays in achieving antitrust approvals.

Is Japanese shipbuilding facing the sunset?

Amid difficulty to compete with South Korea and China, yards are turning to technology and innovation.

Questions over European yard merger

Antitrust investigation into Fincantieri's proposed takeover of Chantiers de l'Atlantique exposes rifts in continents shipbuilding sector.

Monfalcone shipyard in Italy Photo: Fincantieri

Canada tackles LNG ferry construction

Quebec's Davie Shipbuilding working on country's first project to build gas-powered passengership.

US and Brazil in historic orderbook slump

Brazil was once the world's second largest shipbuilding nation, now it and the US are barely eking out newbuildings.(Copyright)