Two seafarers have been reported missing following a devastating fire on a product tanker off China.

Domestic reports said the 7,056-dwt Sheng You 229 (built 2007) was hit by a blaze on Tuesday afternoon at the Qinzhou anchorage in the Gulf of Tonkin.

The fire reportedly originated in the cargo tanks.

Qinzhou maritime authorities responded to the incident, sending search and rescue and coast guard ships to the scene.

A total of 15 of the 17 crew were rescued.

The fire was extinguished by the evening.

Photos from China Central Television and China News showed orange flames erupting from all along the tanker, with flames also seen in the water. A huge plume of black smoke billowed into the sky.

A shot of the aftermath showed damage all over the blackened vessel.

Maritime Bulletin said the China-flag tanker was loaded with 6,858 tons of diesel oil.

The Sheng You 229 had arrived from Yangpu in China on 21 August.

The last AIS update was from the anchorage on Tuesday.

There is only one port state control safety inspection listed for the ship, dating from 2009.

The tanker is owned by Shenzhen Haifa Shipping Co of Shenzhen. The company has been contacted for comment.

The insurer is not known.

VesselsValue lists the tanker as worth $4.76m.

Shenzhen Haifa Shipping was founded in 1996. It has approval from China’s transport ministry.(Copyright)