An investigation has begun after a Spanish tanker destroyed a section of a bridge in Guyana.

Photos show a gap and buckling in the low-lying Demarara Harbour Bridge (DHB), which was put out of action for road traffic on Friday.

Authorities named the 7,700-dwt Tradewind Passion (built 2008) as the culprit.

Local media reported the ship was passing through a retracted section of the span when the accident occurred in the early hours.

It is hoped the bridge will be operational again by Monday evening.

A vessel supervisor for the Demarara Harbour Bridge was seriously injured after he was forced to jump from a tower to get to safety.

Water taxis have been approved for 24-hour operations while the bridge is closed.

A board of inquiry has been set up to investigate the incident and a pilot on board the tanker at the time is facing a permanent ban.

Operator Tradewind Tankers of Barcelona, Spain, has been contacted for comment.

The vessel, which has no port-state-control detentions on its record, is insured by Steamship Mutual in the UK.

Fifth in line

Bishop Juan Edghill, Guyana’s minister of public works, told a press conference that the tanker had been chartered by Guyoil to carry fuel.

He added that the Panama-flagged ship caused structural damage.

“We have just completed a meeting with the board of directors, along with other stakeholders, and we have established a board of inquiry into this,” the minister said.

The Tradewind Passion was the final vessel in a convoy of five that was transiting the bridge.

Thousands of people depend on the Demarara Harbour Bridge every day.

Guyana has tendered for a new high-span four-lane concrete bridge to be built to avoid this type of accident.(Copyright)