Shipowners have no shortage of investment potential in the current climate, Peter Livanos believes.

“There are opportunities anywhere you look in shipping,” he said in a short interview at Posidonia.

“The big question is timing, of course,” he said on the side-lines of The Future of LNG Shipping 2018 debate, organised by ABS.

The GasLog chairman believes the LNG market presents some really-good opportunities, but it is not alone.

“So do bulk carriers and tankers and so do containers,” he added.

“The one thing I am not is a market fortune teller. I couldn’t possibly tell you where to go [and invest].”

As TradeWinds has reported, while Livanos sees a firmer short-term outlook for the LNG space, further out is less certain.

“We are in a short-term tightening cycle,” he said during a panel debate alongside John Angelicoussis and George Procopiou this week.

“But in the medium and long-term rates will be capped.”

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