Alesson in mechanics from Scorpio Tankers’ Cameron Mackey as he hits back at eco-shipdoubters.
(ScorpioTankers boss hits back at eco vessel sceptics)
“Ifour stock price were measured in interest by analysts and investors, it wouldbe a great thing.”
AndRobert Bugbee continues to fly Scorpio’s kite after giving a 90 minute firstquarter briefing to 120 analysts this week.
('Marathonsession' as pundits buzz around Scorpio Tankers)
“Incontainer shipping, unlike bulkers, there is not a tradition of paying extra toget fuel savings.”
Andre Torbjornsen also has his work cut out to get charterers to pay for TorvaldKlaveness’ new eco-ships.
(Klavenessplots new course with containership delivery)
“You are sort of renewing the fleet at minimumcost and we think this a good strategy.”
Can’targue with Costamare finance chief, Gregory Zikos, that minimum beats maximumwhen it comes to costs.
(Costamaremulls exploiting scrap prices to renew boxships fleet)
“Theyard claimed the ships were ready and completed. We could not agree so thecontract was terminated.”
Soundsstraightforward the way Ralf Petersen puts it. Lets hope FH Bertling’srejection of Chinese newbuildings over alleged deficiencies remains as simpleas that.
(Bertlingditches pair of bulkers at Chinese yard)
“Weview the credibility as our life. As long as we have a life, we will keep ourcredibility. That’s very important. That’s why I said ‘I’m not afraid to go tothe court, to sue, to get sued, but, at the end of the day, if the judge makesthe decision, we will hold it’. That’s a strong message I think I have todeliver.”
HNAchief, Tan Xiangdong, puts on the gloves ahead of legal battles withcounterparties and lenders.
(GrandChina parent HNA speaks out on lawsuits)
“Itis a reminder of AKSO’s lack of project-execution capabilities and erodes allconfidence built up over the last five quarters.”
As theheads of senior executives roll at Aker Solutions, DNB explains why it hasdowngraded a ‘buy’ rating.
(Profitfright rocks Aker Solutions as division heads roll)
Nakilatchief, Muhammad Ghannam, is not planning to jump a red light.
(Nakilatbraced for Qatari LNG production push)
“Now Mr Matsuda, I must say I am concernedabout your performance and there are a lot of people who are concerned aboutyour performance. And I don’t usually make these kinds of statements.”
A severeticking off for MarAd administrator, David Matsuda, from congressman ElijahCummings.
(Lawmakersand US maritime chief at odds over domestic flag)
“Thereare different experiences but we could reach a point where a broker can’t getanything home, but if the premium level was plus 50% he could get it placed300%. Margins are squeezed and everyone is looking at costs so everything hasbecome much more binery.”
Newlyelected Joint Hull Committee chairman, Peter Townsend, points to the danger ofpremiums falling to the ‘walkaway’ point but also reveals the solution.
(Multiplechallenges face new Joint Hull Committee chairman)
“Ourvolumes are increasing but, with the low rates, the commissions are quite small.But we have to build volume ahead of better times.”
Sojam tomorrow according to Joachim Grieg & Co managing director, FinnEngelsen Jr.
(JoachimGrieg in red after broker expansion push)
“Weare not trying to capture worldwide market share in FLNG but eight ships wouldbe nice.”
Welllet’s forget market share, but wouldn’t 16 ships be even nicer?
(Eisbrennerlays out Pangea ambitions for FLNG market)
“Thetraumatic and inhuman conditions our colleagues have experienced have of courseaffected them deeply. Now our main focus is to ensure they get a goodreintegration.”
Shipcraftchief, Claus Bech, welcomes back crew held for two years by Somali pirates.
“Thehell of captivity may not be as bad as the hell of freedom. Some crew talkabout being in a bubble as a hostage, when they cannot do anything about thesituation, but when they get home they still cannot do anything about it.”
PeterSwift of the Maritime Piracy Humanitarian Response Programme on post releasetrauma.
(Danishfilm brings piracy hijacking drama to life)
“The owner has simply abandoned the crew totheir fate stuck on the vessel at anchorage. Effectively, the crew areprisoners on the ship as they are stuck in the bay and have no liberty or shoreleave. This has resulted in them suffering significant stress and, in somecases, depression too, so I am also negotiating for their repatriation.”
CapeTown lawyer, Alan Goldberg, hits out at TMT’s response to an arrested ship.
(Banksturn up heat on TMT by forcing ship sales)
And Deirdre Fitzpatrick of Seafarers RightsInternational on how the risk of prosecution has joined the established perilsof the seas.
(Possibilityof criminal charges terrifies seafarers)
“Thereare two types of people in shipmanagement: those who work for Univan and thosewho used to work for Univan.”
Clarkson’sMartin Rowe pays tribute to the legacy of the late Capt Charles Vanderperre asUnivan celebrates its 40 anniversary.