“Wedon’t hire fluffy, ‘I’m here to play for the team’ guys. We hire winners. Allthe guys we have in any of the offices are really strong-headed, superego-driven, cut-throat guys. But smart enough to understand that there is adependency on the organisation.”

Butlife in an office of snarling pit bulls must be a nightmare.

(Greekpresence is a ‘must’ for Norway’s Lorentzen & Stemoco)

“HongKong is not just full of representative offices of owners - there are fewplaces in Asia where the chairmen, chief executives and cheque signers of majorshipowners are so accessible.”

WahKwong’s Tim Huxley finds a fragrant harbour more to his liking than the burntrubber and acrid exhaust fumes of a rival Asian shipping centre.

(HongKong’s maritime roots run deep and strong)

“Aswe say in Greek, ‘Strength in Unity’, which is a very wise motto. That is whatthe times demand, nothing more, nothing less.”

HellenicShipbrokers chief, John Cotzias, explains why Greek owners are union members.

(Greekshipping goes from strength to strength)

"Weare ready to fight and win rate wars."

SorenSkou fires a shot across rivals’ bows, warning that Maersk Line will defend its15% market share.

(Skoufights to win)

"Ifit weren't for the helmsman's error, to not position the tiller to the left...the swerve and the collision wouldn't have happened."

Notmy fault, Capt Francisco Schettino, tells an Italian court where he is on trialfor manslaughter for the loss of the Costa Concordia.

(Schettinoblames helmsman)

“Paying an official for what he should bedoing anyway is beyond the pale.”

Seemsthat there are limits to what Mike Salthouse and other P&I clubs managerswill do for their shipowner members - and that includes going to jail forcontravening UK anti-bribery laws.

(Bribesissue puts clubs and owners on collision course)

“Somesmaller clubs may need to seek greater economies of scale and as such the topicof consolidation between clubs within the International Group may well featuremore prominently in the not too distant future.”

Aon’sSimon Schnorr warns that raising P&I club retentions could haveconsequences.

(Morehefty P&I rate increases in store, warns Aon)

“Thisis really cheap, but not cheap due to saving on quality, but cheap due to thetraditional way VHT is set up. It is effectively a non-profit organisation. Wedon’t have any shareholders, we don’t have to generate revenue, just earn themoney we need for operating.”

Has Sven Gerhard discovered the secret of offering BMW quality for the price ofa Skoda?

(VHTflies the flag for Germany’s hull insurers in market thrust)